Create a new growing area / bed / container

This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the Level 1 badge in Gardening.

Create a new growing area, which can be an in-ground bed, a raised bed, hugelkultur bed, planter box, pot, or other container. Use as many local or scrap materials as possible.

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:

  • Create a growing area at least 9 ft2 or 1 m2 (for beds and planter boxes) or 1 ft2 (for pots and containers)
  • Prioritize no-dig methods for in-ground and raised beds (e.g. sheet mulching, “lasagna gardening”)
  • Salvage or recycle materials to build planter boxes or raised beds with sides. Avoid old-style treated wood that contains arsenic!
  • Salvage or recycle a container rather than buying new
  • Fill the bed or container as far as possible with locally sourced materials e.g. homemade compost, leafmold, composted manure, local soil, green waste, kitchen waste (in the bottom layers), leaves, seaweed, grass clippings etc.

To document your completion of the BB, provide the following:

  • Photos showing your materials and the location of the new growing area
  • In-progress photo(s)
  • Photo of the finished growing area

Make a comment on this page and include the photos in the comment.


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